How can I use Stock Portfolio Organizer on more then one computer?
By default Stock Portfolio Organizer stores all the data in the '%programdata%\StockPortfolioOrganizer' folder of the current user. For example, on Windows 7 for this author that translates to 'C:\ProgramData\StockPortfolioOrganizer'. The best way to share this data across more than one computer is to store it on a USB drive. To do so you need to configure each computer to use the same drive letter for the USB when it is plugged in. If you don't know how to do that, the following guide should help 'making usb drive letters the same on all your computers'. Next, start Stock Portfolio Organizer and open the settings window. Now change the '%programdata%' portion of the 'Database Backup Directory' and 'Ticker Data Directory' paths to the letter of the USB drive such as 'F:'.
Tags: multiple computers