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Step 1: Open the 'Accounts' window

To add a new account click the ‘Accounts’ toolbar item in the main window.

Accounts Toolbar Item In Main Window | Stock Portfolio Organizer

This should open the following window.

Accounts Window | Stock Portfolio Organizer

Step 2: Open the 'New Account' window and enter the required information

To add a new account click on the ‘New’ button in the ‘Accounts’ window (shown above), which should open a window that looks similar to the following.

New Account Window | Stock Portfolio Organizer

Name – Name of the account.

Currency – The currency the account is in.

Initial Balance – The amount of money available in the account. If you are importing trades from your current brokerage account where you already have trades open, you should leave this value at zero and add all your trades first. You can then use the negative account balance obtained from the accounts view to calculate the initial balance and you current brokerage account balance to work out the initial balance.

Description – Short description about the account.